My research is situated within the area of entrepreneurship having a particular expertise with regards to the influence of gender upon women’s entrepreneurship, high technology business incubation and family business. My early research interests developed in response to a curiosity about the development of entrepreneurial clusters, incubators and networking. I have extensive experience of enabling and participating successfully in both regional and international entrepreneurial ecosystems, as a result of well-established research networks in the UK, Ireland, EU, New Zealand, US and the Middle East, spanning 20 years. My academic outputs include 60+ journal articles; 9 book chapters; 4 books, 100+ conference papers which have had significant impact in terms of academic metrics (over 7500 citations, h-index 37, i10-index 59). For the last four consecutive years I have been ranked amongst the top 2% of scientists in the world for research impact, by a study led by Stanford University which ranks scientists across the world, based on a composite citation index from the Scopus database. My academic inquiry is fuelled by intellectual curiosity, driving me to seek out interesting contexts and diverse perspectives.
Kidney, E., McAdam, M. and Cooney, T.M., (2024). Everyday prejudices: an intersectional exploration of the experiences of lesbian and gay entrepreneurs. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research.
Harrison, R.T., Leitch, C.M. and McAdam, M., (2024). Margins of intervention? Gender, Bourdieu and women’s regional entrepreneurial networks. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 36(3-4), pp.209-242.
Downey, H., McAdam, M. and Crowley, C., (2024). Authenticity and craft entrepreneurship: the interplay of passion and place. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, pp.1-19.
Hashim, S., McAdam, M. and Nordqvist, M., (2024). An exploration of women entrepreneurs “doing context” in family business in the Gulf States. International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship.
Brophy, M., McAdam, M. and Clinton, E., (2023). Vying for and forgoing visibility: female next gen leaders in family business with male successors. International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship, 15(4), pp.364-387.
Kelly, G. and McAdam, M., (2023). Women entrepreneurs negotiating identities in liminal digital spaces. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 47(5), pp.1942-1970.
McAdam, M., Clinton, E., Hamilton, E. and Gartner, W.B., (2023). Learning in a family business through intermarriage: a rhetorical history perspective. Family Business Review, 36(1), pp.63-83.
Vershinina, N., Phillips, N. and McAdam, M., (2022). Online communities and entrepreneuring mothers: practices of building, being and belonging. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, pp.1-23.
Kelly, G. and McAdam, M., (2022). Scaffolding liminality: The lived experience of women entrepreneurs in digital spaces. Technovation, 118, p.102537.
My complete list of publications can be found here
“Professor McAdam is a world class scholar on women’s entrepreneurship. She has pioneered entrepreneurship research projects in a variety of countries and cultures (e.g., Saudi Arabia, China, Ireland and UK)”.
“Professor Maura McAdam is one of the brightest lights today in Entrepreneurship. This is true not only in her native Ireland but globally as well. Maura has provided invaluable and ongoing contributions to her field and is widely regarded as a thought leader and expert in women’s entrepreneurship".